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Wallpaper Removal

Professional Wallpaper Removal - J. Swerk Painting

Wallpaper Removal

When it comes to removing wallpaper, there are countless questions as to what is the best way to accomplish this…

The average DIY-er may think it’s just as simple as finding a corner and pulling it off.

While some may get lucky, and depending upon how well it was prepped before being applied, will ultimately dictate how “stressed” you get when trying to remove it.

Here's What We Do


We make sure we prep all floor areas and furniture to prevent any glue from getting on any surface or home items or possessions.

We will find a seam to attempt to remove it by hand. If it’s clear that it won’t work, or it's literally coming off in small pieces, then it’s time for what is the “Last Line of Defense”…



We do NOT use any chemicals what so ever when it comes to removing the wallpaper.
Our Steam Machine is specially designed and used for the application of wallpaper removal.
With the temperature at which our steamer operates, it has positioned us to be extremely successful at hard to remove wallpaper.


Now, if extremely hot steam doesn’t work, the alternative is to paint over it. However, that’s a whole other process to make sure the best possible final product of painting over it is done 100% correctly.


As with any surface, prepping is always critical, so first step is applying oil-based primer to seal in the wallpaper, so you don’t have loose areas or bubbling. Next, proper taping and spackling is so important so again, no seams are visible. Sanding those areas are next, then maybe a little more primer before adding the new paint ensuring everything looks and feels the way you want, not ever knowing the wallpaper was ever there in the first place.

Hopefully this was extremely helpful.

Just know that it absolutely takes an experienced professional to get the wallpaper removal job done right.

J. Swerk Professional Painting & Spackling does it right, every time.

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